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Standout Web Design Trends 2022

These 20 standout web design trends for 2022 will guide and inspire what individuals create on the internet. Let’s dive right in.

We’ve been through two difficult years that have challenged our strength, patience, mental and financial health, relationships, and other aspects. The world has evolved, and these developments have compelled companies to alter their marketing and sales strategies.

These changes can be seen everywhere, even in website design. Let’s look at some of the top standout web design trends for 2022.

1. Scrollytelling

Scrollytelling is a gradually common approach to using a digital interface to narrate a complex story.

These visual effects aim to capture consumers by presenting them with intriguing material on a silver platter. Also, Scrollytelling is known as “narrative visualization” with an ordered set of visual components. These components are ordered chronologically and sequenced to deliver a specific message to visitors.

Jess & Russ
Jess and Russ

However, websites like books now enable you to explore and regulate their flow in a personalized way by knowing that each user is unique and delivering exciting messages.

For example, Infrared Mind Body from Texas, US, uses huge graphics and text that emerge through various animations to emphasize their value offer. Dimly lit photos, Large close-ups, gentle and smooth transitions large-scale lettering create an elegant sauna atmosphere.

2. One-page websites

Among the most innovative and standout web design trends 2022, a one-page website is the most popular. These one-page websites forgo menus and navigation in favor of simple scroll navigation. Moreover, One-page sites work best when their subject matter.


However, these sites evoke the sense of carrying a flyer or reading a poster. All the information you need to evaluate is in one location without the distraction of navigating or browsing many sites.

For instance, the website Indi Harris is a digital resume. It allows its subject to be the focus of attention. This makes it more likely that a casual viewer will read the complete overview since everything they need is upfront.

3. Horizontal Scrolling

Aside from the familiar and apparent vertical navigation, a side scroll layout might result in unexpected interactions between texts and visuals.

So, this web design is suitable for portfolio websites, maps, catalogs, and similar applications. Discovering projects, sideways navigation, visiting online galleries, and exploring towns have become significantly more exciting. Furthermore, horizontal scrolling can make a website more attractive and notable.

homesociete screenshot
Home Societe

For Instance, The Sirup was designed only to listen to a playlist. The designer developed a horizontal scrolling experience that included the playlist and images as part of the scroll movement. Even when the design parts are static, the flowing motion of the pieces generates a sense of progression, prompting the user to keep scrolling.

4. Inclusive Design Mania

“Inclusivity” is seen as a political phrase that is readily tossed about. Yet, it is a philosophy that speaks to every designer – making every attempt to be inclusive where inclusion did not exist.

However, Inclusive design influences every stage of the website design process. It affects strategic decisions about the website’s target audience, tone of voice, and personalization. Moreover, it establishes your brand’s graphic language to suit all genders, experiences, opinions, and situations.

Intercom design

Furthermore, due to the impact of the gaming world, the internet is sure to be swamped with an increasing number of images, avatars, and characters of non-human identities in the coming year. As the internet presents alternate realities, questioning the very heart of what is genuine.

For example, Ranboo Fashion’s model in their video is slightly gender-fluid, with the face hidden so that the audience is unsure of the model’s identity.

5. Art deco motifs

Art deco motifs are the best fit for geometric designs that we can be expected in web design in 2022. Though people’s first impression of art deco style might be great speakeasy sites, it can create delightfully simple designs.

This modern web design trend takes inspiration from the curving lines and repetitive graphic shapes of art deco architecture and illustration. And these elements can inspire fonts, beautiful logos, spacer motifs, borders, and illustrations

GG Marmont
GG Marmont

Alegria’s art style that BUCK designed for Facebook in 2017 is the best example of the above technique. The exaggerated proportions, curving lines, reduced detail, and oval faces all call this art style.

6. Brutalist Typography

Try this trend with its roughness and dominance if you like something more daring. It will make a website stand out even when utilizing a few features.

Brutalist typography might be a reaction against today’s web design, positivism, brightness, and minimalism. Brutalist Typography offers a website with a metropolitan atmosphere by typography to design a dynamic grid, sections, headers, and paragraphs.

Hawraf Studios

Zona de Propulsao is a one-pager for a technology innovation cluster. The massive font is unquestionably the beginning point for this identity, producing an urban-like festival vibe. The designer planned to make information available to everyone and offer technical expertise more friendly.

7. Micro Interactions

Micro-interactions are just little animations that provide visitors with modest feedback on a website. We’re all used to watching a link’s color change as users hover their mouse over it. With the emphasis on micro-interactions, the same experience may give extra attention to stand out a little more.

Remembear Software

For example: Depending on the link that the mouse is hovering over, the mouse path might change to a different picture.

8. Nostalgia

Some contemporary trends have revolved around the concept of nostalgia. In which  People wish to recall and reminisce about the past. People are searching for more reassuring activities and escape two years after the COVID-19 epidemic first struck amid rising uncertainty.

This strategy aims for a slower pace. Through typeface and graphics, it conveys a more analog vibe. It also employs soft lighting, traditional picture filters, blurriness, grain, old typefaces, textures, and pastel color palettes.

ForeFather Design

In a literary playground, Bravenewlitis, the charming and curving typeface evokes feelings of intimacy and warmth. The designer wanted to give this interactive magazine a solid appearance to make it more approachable. He employs scanned photos of texts with footnotes and a post-it note appearance and feels to make the user feel as if they are a part of the writing process.

9. Delight

Among standout web design trends in 2022, Delights has become famous for its good user experience. Surface delights include tactile transitions or gestures, animations, microcopy, sound, and images. Meanwhile, Deep delights meet all user needs, including reliability, usability, functionality, and pleasure. And it doesn’t only spark momentary pleasure but adds to the reliability, usability, and function of the site.

For example, Airbnb is a website that offers delightful experiences throughout user journeys. Features such as marking the map tags are pleasing and functional.

Typography Animation / Kinetic Typography, an excellent complement to the evolving style, will be a fast-growing trend in 2022. Web designers use this technique more widely in some formats.


Moving text may draw attention, emphasize essential sections, and direct the user’s gaze across a page. On the website of Dilinger, the entire website is itself a menu with the help of dynamic fonts, which change accordingly when an option on the menu is selected. The transition of the typography helps navigate the website and creates a different grid each time.

10. Contrast Colors

This theme is for the children of the 1980s and 1990s and the millennials in the family. Color is a fundamental technique for capturing the user’s attention and eliciting emotional responses.

Moreover, This style has evolved into a lively, eye-catching web design approach. And this approach is packed with gradients, subterranean acid forms, neon on black, and strong contrast.

SuperGlow Studios

For example, Super glow is a studio that specializes in music and lifestyle design. The second half of their website features huge black lettering on a bright yellow backdrop. On hover, the color of this menu list turns to fuchsia. So, the overall design incorporates saturated photographs with a fade-out mouse animation. And that animation appears on hover and reveals a peek of the project within the internal link.

11. Off the Grid

Another website trend in 2022 is Off the Grid. A grid is one of the most valuable tools a designer may have because it offers form and structure to our work. Moving off-center to highlight a portion can help a website stand out among many time-consuming competitors.

This theme is becoming increasingly easier to translate. Even you can build up a craziest layout the craziest layout quickly using a web builder. Above all, it’s precoded, which simplifies the whole process.

arrowww space
arrowww space

For example, where the developer uses a quote from his design mantra in the page hero. That quote demonstrates his vision of embracing accidents with overlapping text-on-path and linear structure backgrounds.

12. Imagery Multilayers

Imagery Multilayers is another emerging trend in web 2022. In recent years, there’s been a heavy focus on pixel-perfect minimalist designs during the design process. As a result, many designers are scared of attempting more aesthetically complicated designs.

Moreover, Multilayers are a way to question the standard components our eyes are accustomed to. For example, photo galleries and typographical details offer an immersive experience for presenting the website’s story. As a result, consumers spend more time examining a website.


For example, General Condition, the common theme of the photos, black background, and elegant animation help tie everything together. In this way, it delivers a visually cohesive experience.

13. Web-based scavenger hunts

The structure of websites lends itself quite well to puzzles and scavenger hunts. You may daisy-chain pages and password-protect specific sections, requiring visitors to offer answers or locate clues to access the next page in the sequence.

There are several inventive methods for concealing and revealing prompts, hints, and solutions. This web trend is an example of how you can utilize your web design skills to create an enthralling puzzle.

ThreeSixtyEight Studios

ThreeSixtyEight a marketing agency, made a scavenger hunt to tell the location of its company retreat its team. Music and an opacity adjustment surrounding the cursor created a mysterious vibe that a visitor could utilize to disclose specific areas of the website while looking for clues.

14. Oversized typography

Typography of unusual size is a bold expected website trend in 2022. At a certain level, words become more of a visual aspect than a component of the text. This is a flexible method to use in a minimalist or maximalist design.

Eva Habermann

For example, The film portfolio website for Eva Habermann overlays large text onto a moving film portfolio reel. The text partially blocks the image, making the visitor hungry to see more. A sans-serif font in two colors adds just the proper amount of contrast without being unreadable or overbearing.

15. Responsible motion design

Responsible motion design is starting to become a standard practice in 2022. While the movement is an exciting part of web design, it’s simple not just to go overboard but also to harm individuals by generating motion sickness. Motion sickness is pretty prevalent. And animation like parallax effects, mouse-triggered scaling, or plane-shifted scrolling is not suitable.


A Senior Brand Designer at Webflow, Corey Moen, showed details on how to create while keeping the ‘Reduce motion’ setting in macOS in mind.

16. Voice-Activated Interface

The way we obtain information is evolving. We now make a demand or ask a question instead of typing it into Google. This implies that web design is becoming to keep up with the growing popularity of speech chatbots and virtual assistants. While voice-activated interfaces aren’t widespread on most websites, this burgeoning trend isn’t going away anytime soon.

Apple Siri

We should expect to see more websites using voice search as an alternative to standard text search in 2022.

17. Interactivity

Adding interactive segments to your website is best to provide value for visitors. Also, it gets visitors to engage with your website and learn more about them.

Visit Humboldt
Visit Humboldt

Assume you’re a realtor who has a mortgage calculator on your website. You’re providing value to your visitors while also learning more about them, depending on the information they enter into your calculator, examples can be:

  • Polls and surveys
  • Contests
  • Assessments like quizzes
  • Calculators

18. VR

VR experiences on websites will be an innovative web design trend in 2022. Such as, Airbnb allows you to visit a rental before making a reservation, or the ability of the furnishing retailer IKEA to display how a sofa might appear in your space.

White Tower

VR is an excellent tool that provides value to site visitors and assists them in purchasing.

19. Organic Shapes

Geometric shapes will be an expected web design trend in 2022. Anything that lacks straight lines is organic or fluid. Consider the curving shapes seen in nature, such as hills and the borders of a river.

Marina Tureczek
Marina Tureczek

Fluid shapes are an excellent method to divide areas of a website without using angles or harsh lines. Also, they’re fantastic for use in the background, like Android does with circles behind goods on their homepage.

20. Black and White Color Schemes

Black and white color schemes are the starkest and most elegant design trend in 2022. You have to think about and create within limits when you don’t have color. And this may help ignite creativity. Furthermore, the effects might be spectacular.

Perhaps this is another symptom of global happenings, but black-and-white color schemes are everywhere. This bleak style reflects how many designers may feel while focusing on simplicity and starkness.

Bold Color is one of the innovative web design trends in 2022. Bold, bright, and saturated colors help a brand stand out from the soft neutrals.

Bubly Sparkling Water
Bubly Sparkling Water

For example, Bubly sparkling water company is an outstanding example of how a site can use bold and saturated colors without crushing the eye.

We are looking excited to see how things are implemented in 2022.

In conclusion, Regarding standout web design trends in 2022, the new year is already shaping up to be spectacular. Consider how you may use these aspects in existing projects or as part of something new. Most importantly, have fun!