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Do you want to skip forward to the article? The best WordPress Development Skills for beginners to Master in 2022 are PHP, HTML & CSS and JavaScript rest of them are provided below in the article which can help you a lot more in your WordPress Development Journey.

WordPress can easily boast its sustainable future as it has powered more than 33% of the websites on the Internet with consistent growth. However, one of the substantial factors contributing to this growth is its easy interface that users can modify their website at any time. WordPress supplements website management by extending its reach in e-commerce website analytics, SEO solutions, multi-vendor marketplace, and ERP. Thus, the owners of websites have to hire WordPress experts to receive maximum outcomes in specific domains. But this is not the only scenario developers should also have some WordPress beginner developers skills to meet the daily challenges.

Why you should develop WordPress skills?

No matter what your profession is, a dancer, a teacher, or anything, if you don’t learn the basics of your domain, you can’t take your results to the next level. The same rule goes for WordPress users as we know that with every passing day, more and more websites are considering WordPress for their CMS. Not just this, but now many desktop applications are also shifting to online platforms, which means now more people will solve their problems using these popular online tools. Therefore, the demand is increasing day by day, and the user should incorporate WordPress beginner developers’ skills to meet the needs of this change.

WordPress Development skills in 2022

A WordPress developer is always in demand in the market, but you don’t have to be a developer to do WordPress. But the fact is that the competition is fierce, and to stay in it, one must be an intelligent learner. Thus to develop WordPress customized pages, these are skills one must have. Whether the user wants to become a skilled developer or stay ahead of other developers, these skills are always helpful.

Starting with the list of Best WordPress Development Skills for Beginners to Master in 2022

1. PHP or Hypertext pre-processor

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In the list of Best WordPress Development Skills for Beginners to Master in 2022, PHP is at the top of the list. You may wonder why? This is because it is one of the most preferred server-side scripting languages or website developments. As evidence, almost 78% of websites are based on PHP programming. The importance of PHP is that it is designed by keeping the website requirements in mind.


We are well aware of the python and Ruby languages. Those are the app development preferred languages, whereas PHP is the general language for website development.

The benefits of using PHP are that it can handle plugins while managing content, communicating with a database, third-party integration, and much more.

Having a good understanding of PHP means that the user can have insight into the fundamental features of the client’s website. The themes can be applied easily, which means PHP indeed powers your WordPress. However, one thing that should be kept in mind is that the user must know CSS and HTML when customizing the theme.

Where to learn:

For beginner developers and those who are diving into WordPress Development, there are a lot of free PHP tutorials available on the internet with great quality content and easy to learn and understand. For beginners, I will recommend starting learning from the PHP manual, PHP The Right Way, and w3schools After that, if you need more guidance you can move on to PHP paid courses.


HTML CSS Undraw vector art

If you consider yourself a web developer, you must be aware of HTML AND CSS. Even if you just started your journey as a developer, you must have known the basic information about them. As one is the backbone of websites and the other acts as paint and design of it.


These are the browser’s core languages that display data and information available on the Internet. They control all the core visual styles of websites. One notable fact is that there were times when these languages were the only tools for designing any website. And you can still use them to develop any responsive website. They are still in demand, and the customers are ready to pay you for them. This is the reason we have enlisted it in WordPress beginner’s skills.

Where to learn:

If you are curious about learning this WordPress beginner’s skills from the basics or want to polish it, you can look for free platforms like edX, SoloLearn, and FreeCodeCamp. Among these three, the most preferred one freeCodeCamp, as it has a responsive web design, a straightforward interface, and many free lessons which aid in learning.

However, to complete the tutorial, the user has to follow the instructions and practice hanging it.

3. JavaScript

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Do you want to make the plugin attractive? If you are looking for a client-centered scripting language, then JavaScript is the right one for you. Java script is a WordPress beginners developers skills that, if added to your bucket, will aid in better controlling the functionality of the website. Like providing enhanced interactivity on the website.


As JavaScript is a commonly used language and continuously evolving all the time, which means if you keep updating your skill, you can be on top. It would be better to know its libraries like Angular Vue, except for learning JavaScript. JS. for high command.

Where to learn:

You can learn JavaScript through paid and unpaid courses, meetups, self-guided courses, and networking. Sometimes it may seem critical to understanding it because it’s evolving and updating multiple features constantly.

Working on your own project is the most effective way to learn JavaScript and the knowledge of JavaScript can put you on top.

4. SEO skills


The method of attracting traffic to your website through organic search results is SEO. It is always beneficial for any website to reach out to more people. Several elements influence a website’s search engine ranking, including site content and creating a distinctive and relevant web page title with a suitable meta description. The main thing to remember is to engage an SEO expert to keep track of your SEO effort.


SEO is considered a method of adapting Google algorithms. We can say it aids in updating and developing a website so that the website can rank better at Google ranking. A developer is committed to providing equal content to the client to rank on Google for better earnings. Due to this, the website development should be processed while keeping SEO in mind. Thus, fundamental tactics like searching keywords, adding alt text, and using header tasks like H1 and H2 tags should be mastered in this whole procedure.

However, while designing, one should keep in mind that your HTML should be accessible to different devices. For this, here are some points:

  • The URLs should be concise, and easy to understand with keywords.
  • The schema code should be present as it aids Google in knowing about your website.
  • The site should load quickly to provide a better user-friendly experience.
Where to learn:

Multiple platforms would aid your learning procedure. They include SEO 101, Search engine watch, Google, etc.

5. Business skills

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All of your efforts will be for naught unless you create a product that has no market demand. For example, if you wish to sell drinking water in a place where everyone has plenty of it, you won’t be able to do so. You must sell drinking water to customers who do not have access to it. Here’s when your business acumen and growth-hacking approach come into play. You must conduct market research by asking queries such as “What if I fix your problem with my tool?” Then, when you’ve developed and begun to solve your clients’ problems, you should ask them, “What would they do if you stop developing your tool?” to determine product-market fit.

6. Github and Bitbucket

github vs bitbucket

To become an expert developer, it is necessary to have a growth hacking attitude as you have to think out of the box every time. Not just to develop unique projects but to create extraordinary websites that save you time. For example, writing codes from scratch isn’t practical every time, as you can keep your previous projects in the form of snippets and then use them in the form of readymade code for your next project. Which automatically improves your speed and saves time as well. For this system, you can also look for GitHub and Bitbucket. These are some of the most advanced tools to create, ship, and maintain software. You would store your work progress and keep your work correctly through them.


Bitbucket and GitHub are those platforms that provide private and public repositories. Not just this, but they include features like an issue tracker, project board, code hosting, continuous build and integration, wikis, and much more. Moreover, this tool is not just for beginners, but it is used by enterprises, business owners, and experts.

  • Provide a place to store all projects.
  • Assist in measuring, managing, and monitoring your projects.
  • Enhance the ability to collaborate with other members.


In conclusion, Keep in mind that mastering a skill requires time and effort. You will also never have enough knowledge when it comes to learning. The Internet is constantly changing and improving. Therefore, Consider your personality type: are you a visual person, a logistician, or someone who enjoys statistics, procedures, numbers, or design? Decide which WordPress beginner’s developer skills you need to learn and where you want to start.