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Freelancing vs Typical Job

So, what exactly is freelancing? you may wonder. Rather than being employed by someone else, working as a freelancer allows you to be your employer. Freelancers are self-employed who work on their own and for themselves. You can also say you are your own boss.

Other organizations recruit freelancers part-time or short-term, but they do not receive the same pay or benefits as full-time employees. Their income varies to the project or with working skills.

Why do people work as Freelancers?

People with freelancing jobs have a lot of flexibility and control. Most freelancers set their own hours, work on their own projects, and engage with their own clients, and they may even be able to work from home.
Choosing to work as a freelancer is a very personal decision. Examining the benefits and drawbacks of Freelancing and working as a freelancer will help you decide the best one.

Importance of Freelancing in the Current Situation

It is impossible to deny the rise of Freelancing. According to the “Freelancing in America” poll conducted by Upwork, 56.7 million Americans freelanced in 2018, up 3.7 million from 2014. Moreover, one-third of the population works as a freelancer.

The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has thrown the world into disarray. The future of Work has undergone a paradigm change, moving away from physical office forms and toward remote and virtual models. In addition, mandatory stay-at-home orders and market closures to stop the spread of the coronavirus resulted in significant layoffs around the world. According to the International Labour Organization’s estimations, about 400 million jobs were lost globally in the second quarter of 2020.

Advantages of Working as a Freelancer


However, both freelancing and typical jobs have their own pros and cons and it depends on the personality and the workplace situation. let’s explore freelancing and job pros and cons and decide the best option that suits you the most.

Workload Management Ability

The option to choose your workload is another advantage of Freelancing. You have the freedom to work as much or as little as you choose, and you can select essential tasks. Without the distractions of full-time employment, such as meetings, office politics, office distractions, and so on, you can focus on the Work you enjoy. You can easily manage your work whenever you want to work.

Adaptability and Flexibility of work

As a freelancer, you can enjoy the flexibility that most individuals desire because they have complete control over their clients and workload. You have the freedom and control to work full-time for the majority of the year and only part-time during the summer.

Self-reliance and Independent

As a freelancer Work allows you to be more independent. You are not only free of the cubicle and the 9-to-5 workday, but you also have the option of working alone and, in most cases, where you are most comfortable.

Amount of Exposure

Many occupations provide variety but working as a freelancer allows you to work on many projects and themes. Working in-house for one organization may not offer experience in other industries or fields. Freelancing allows you to expand your horizons. This variation can help to create a less monotonous and uninteresting environment.

Create a Sense of Belonging

When running your own business, you don’t always have the same support and reputation as more significant, well-known companies. As a result, you must first put in extra effort to get clients and then keep them coming back for more. For freelancers, repeat employment is generally regarded as a gold mine because it leads to consistency and referrals. Eighty-one percent of the employees we spoke with said they had built long-term relationships with more than three clients. We recommend the following to keep your customers coming back.

The Disadvantage of Working as a Freelancer

while having many advantages there are some disadvantages too let’s explore them.

Insufficient Financial Stability

Freelancers do not have the same level of financial security as employees because their income is not guaranteed. You get compensated for your job rather than your time. Because of the uncertainty, budgeting is more complex, and ambitious freelancers may be hesitant to take the risk.

Unpredictable Workloads

You know what’s expected of you as an employee. Therefore, your workflow is fairly consistent and predictable. When freelancing, however, this is not the case. You can be swamped with Work one month and have trouble finding tasks the next. You can reduce this inconsistency by encouraging your customers to stick with you.

Self-Inflicted Work Pressure

It’s the best feeling to be your own boss, but it comes at a cost. If you don’t have a boss telling you what to do, you can fill that void yourself. It can be tough to appreciate your leisure time if you continue telling yourself, “I could be working right now.” Make a schedule to help you avoid this.

Isolated from the Rest of the World

Freelancing might become lonely after a while because you don’t have coworkers to interact with. While seclusion may be appealing, losing track of your social life can Isolation and anxiety might result as a result of this. Making time to see loved ones or volunteer is an excellent way to cope.

Excessive Responsibilities

Writing is only one aspect of your profession as a freelance writer. As a lone proprietor, you are responsible for marketing, IT, client satisfaction, HR, accounting, legal, operations, administrative, purchasing, and other aspects of your business. It can be really intimidating when all of this comes together. Hiring someone to allocate some of these if you have the cash is a good idea if you have the funds.

Typical Job Pros


The typical job has its own pros and cons like freelancing have let’s explore it.

A Consistent Income

The most obvious benefit of working for a firm rather than Freelancing is financial stability. You may relax knowing that your future is safe and your finances are predictable with a consistent monthly salary. Even if the company didn’t generate any money this year, you’d be paid.

Budgeting Made Simple

Because your income as employment is steady and predictable, budgeting for your household will be simple. You can divide your money into other categories, such as necessities, desires, savings, investments, and unexpected expenses. To put it another way, you may plan your life ahead of time and avoid getting startled.

Perks and Benefits

Another benefit of working for another person is the benefits and perks that come with it. Vacation pay, reimbursements, allowances, parental leave, health insurance, retirement plans and pensions, and other benefits are just a few examples. These benefits are likely to persuade you to stay with the company.

Consistent Development

Whether you look at it, consistent growth can be a benefit or a disadvantage. Most employees, on the other hand, find that knowing they will be paid regularly is enough motivation and security to continue with their existing job.

Enhances Social Abilities and Social Gathering

Being employed has the unintended consequence of improving your social skills because you are constantly conversing with your coworkers. Being an employee exposes you to an environment where you can practice your social skills, whether it’s about Work or something else entirely.

Drawbacks of Typical Job

while having many advantages there are some disadvantages of Typical. Job let’s explore it.

Working Hours are Set

Working for someone else has its drawbacks, one of which is the amount of control over your schedule. Certain working hours must be followed. Unless you work for a company that allows you to work flexible hours, your job will significantly impact how you use your free time.

Fixed Salary and Gradual Increases

Negotiating a salary at an interview and then sticking to it for the rest of the year is not fun. While consistent pay gives security, it also limits your career opportunities by having you wait an entire year for a potential raise.

Exhaust and the same hectic routine

In three ways, commuting to Work is inefficient: It wastes time, effort, and money. It’s a lose-lose situation because it not only consumes man-hours that could be spent on something else, but it also has a negative impact on the environment. But it also exhausts you and compels you to spend money on gas. Unless you work remotely, commuting will be a challenge.

Micromanagement is a problem

Many managers and supervisors micromanage their subordinates, watching even the tiniest of their actions and criticizing them for failing to perform something in a specific way. Put another way; they want it their way, not the way it is most comfortable and natural for you.

Constraints imposed by company policies

As an employee, you are obligated by your employer’s terms and rules. While certain approaches are more flexible than others, you rarely have a say in these decisions. And if you don’t follow the policies of the letter, you can face some consequences.

Freelancing vs Typical Job

Working as an employee and working as a freelancer are two very different experiences. While the former is ideal for those who value security and consistency, the latter can be more profitable if you’re ready to take a chance.

Struggle and Stability Comparison

One of the essential elements to consider when choosing a functioning model is stability. The previous year was full of uncertainties for professionals, and the present is no different. Working at a job entails the organization’s long-term commitment to its employees and the employee’s long-term commitment to the organization. Furthermore, it produces a stable environment with a scheduled work schedule and income, ensuring financial stability throughout life.

On the other hand, Freelancers can only foresee the tasks they are working on. There is often no guarantee of the next project, and freelancers frequently work on many projects simultaneously. Freelancers’ earnings fluctuate from low to high (or vice versa), and their main challenge is locating tasks that are appropriate to their skillset to produce a steady stream of revenue.

Freedom and a sense of ownership

Various new working trends in freelance and job opportunities are expected to emerge in the coming year. Companies embrace hybrid working arrangements, which involve a pre-determined schedule of both physical and virtual work infrastructure. This gives employees a greater sense of control over their schedules, achieving a better work-life balance.

On the other hand, Freelancing comes with a complete sense of ownership and freedom. The ability to schedule work planners with flexibility allows freelancers to be their bosses. Professionals with autonomy in their roles in Freelancing have the authority to make decisions without the approval of a team leader or supervisor. Professionals with advanced technical and creative talents appreciate the freedom to work whenever and wherever they want.

Benefits and adaptability

every field has its own advantages and disadvantages to working as a full-time employee or freelancer. When full-time employees work for a reputable and trusted company, they are eligible for perks such as health insurance, sick leave, sabbaticals, provident funds, and other retirement-related benefits. They also have access to training and development programs that assist in employee upskilling. However, one of the most significant challenges that full-time professionals confront at Work is going to work every day.

Unlike employment, there are no advantages to working as a freelancer. Independent contractors are responsible for their own medical insurance and retirement plans. Furthermore, they do not receive any sabbaticals, maternity, or paternity breaks, making it difficult for them to change their income.

Frequently Asked Questions

Freelancing vs typical job who is better?

However, both freelancing and typical jobs have their own pros and cons and it depends on the personality and the workplace situation. Freelancers can work whenever they want to but as an employee, you have to work on your working hours.

How many freelancers can earn?

Well, freelancers don’t have a consistent income it depends on their work demands and on their skills. Random guess I can say freelancers may earn 2k$ to 5k$.

Why people are moving to freelance?

The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has thrown the world into disarray. The future of Work has undergone a paradigm change, moving away from physical office forms and toward remote and virtual models. In addition, mandatory stay-at-home orders and market closures to stop the spread of the coronavirus resulted in significant layoffs around the world. According to the International Labour Organization’s estimations, about 400 million jobs were lost globally in the second quarter of 2020.


While everyone has their own choices and preferences. when we talk about the best choice both freelancing and working as an employee have their own advantages and disadvantages, but if I put my opinion I would choose to freelance. Full-time employment entails working under the supervision of the boss or senior management. Freelancing, on the other hand, has no such limitations. If they do not want to do an assignment, they are free to deny it. Furthermore, the globe is evolving toward employment flexibility and freedom. Professionals can participate in self-analysis on the working model choice based on their personality traits, interests, and abilities.